Sunday, June 29, 2008

Zuchinni-Banana Muffins: An Experiment

So I find in the world of gluten-free baking that I end up not liking a whole lot of the available recipes. Which usually means I end up making my own, or using a base recipe as something to build off of. Sometimes it turns out on the first try, but that's a rarity. As with any recipe you create yourself, baking or otherwise, there are usually many revisions before you figure out exactly what's going to work.

And of course there are some recipes you just scrap and never attempt again.

Today I decided I needed a non pumpkin/squash based muffin. So I attempted to adapt my current (very successful) gluten-free muffin recipe to fit new ingredients. My first batch just got out of the oven and I can say without a doubt that they were too moist. They sunk in the middle. However, we'll have to see how the flavor turns out when they cool. I have a good idea of how I want to deal with the excess moisture.

Stay tuned for baking progress!

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